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Grace To Put Your Weapons Down

Writer's picture: Pastor Tasha SewellPastor Tasha Sewell

Isaiah 54:17 (NLT)

17 But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!

God's grace is available to us in so many different ways - one of them being the ability to stop fighting in our flesh. This is a challenging place for many of us. I am certainly a guilty party here. I have suffered so many forms of abuse and as a result of it, I was very defensive - combative I was not going to let anyone hurt me again. I would fight every chance I get. My motto - "When in doubt, cuss 'em out!" I was really good at it too! People would actually solicit my advice on how to tell someone off. I mastered the art of telling you off with a smile. I would leave people wondering " wait- did she just cuss me out? I think she did." I could be very vicious also I would say things so hurtful I would make you want to punch my lights out. I was quick with my responses and would go straight for the jugular. For a long time, I was proud of that skill I possessed and was known for. It was when I came to Christ that I became aware of the fact that God was not impressed with my "talent". He revealed to me that it was venom that I was spitting at his people poisonous venom that was harmful to others including my loved ones. I was reminded of this over and over throughout my walk, but lack the ability to stop. It cost me valuable relationships with people and I was made aware that my weapons of warfare were not so handy after all. I prayed that God would remove this from me, I struggled and failed so many times I am embarrassed to count. Even as a well seasoned Christian I still had a difficult time dealing with this. Now anyone who is a gardener should know that the ony way to deal with weeds is to pull them up by the roots. This will ensure that they will not grow back.

God began to dig at the soil of my heart to expose the root of this rage and poison. He revealed a little girl broken and bruised, extremely frightened and in need of healing. He then showed me that I was protecting this damaged little girl. She needed help I could not provide. I could not heal her, so I would pick up my sword and fight anyone who I believed would try to hurt her. He approached me in this place of brokenness and inadequacy and asked for permission to take my place. I would love to tell you that amidst the angels singing a hallelujah chorus while butterflies flitted about as the sun was shining on my smiling face that I gracefully let Him in. Buuuuuuttt - that is not how it went down. I turned my sword on Him and fought Him- well tried to. I resisted him and fought to keep my position, I held on to my belief that I needed you then you and did not protect me so why should I trust you now?

I wish there was one perfect answer I could give you that would satisfy that question for you, but there is not. Finding the answer to that question is only discovered along the journey of healing. It is a personal question that needs a personalized answer. I finally allowed Him to take my place and be my defense. It was not easy, He took me through a time of difficulty and gave me the grace to trust Him. There was a place that used to rise up in me - my heart would thump and race, I would be shaking, overcome with fear and rage I would explode and I would not stop until I was finished. That force of evil no longer had the power to drag me into battle. I was able to make the choice to put my weapons down and let Him fight for me. What a relief! I did not know how much energy that drained from me until I was released from the position. I stepped aside and Jesus came in - I had a wonderful visions during this time. One of them being me at a very young age I saw myself at 3 years old and I saw Jesus with His sleeves rolled up washing the floor I asked what he was doing and He told me he was washing this area in my soul. When He was finished washing the floor he got fresh water and He bathed me ( 3 year old me) from head to toe with lots of water and bubbles. He wrapped me in a towel and took me into His arms, held me and dried me off. I was clean - healed and released from all of what held me hostage in this place. I did not need to protect the little girl anymore, Jesus was on the scene and doing a much better job than me. Our weapons only cause more damage where there already is damage.

New Weapons of Warfare

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (ESV)

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,

God does not remove our weapons and leave us defenseless. He gives us new weapons by teaching us the truth - this is not an earthly battle that we are fighting. Earthly weapons will not work, earthly weapons are fashioned by the enemy to work against you. He tricks you into picking them up to destroy others, and we ultimately create more hurt and damage. Our weapons - the Word of God, fasting, prayer, obedience, faithfulness, endurance, and more equip us to fight the war that is waged against our souls. This does not mean that we will not be tempted to go back to what we know. What has changed? The fact that you now have a choice - you can choose through grace to use the weapons the Lord has given you. The more you use these weapons the more skilled you will become and the strength of God will empower you. The greatest most powerful weapon we have to fight spiritual battles is JESUS, the name, the blood, it is our source. When we come in the name of Jesus demons tremble. They must obey Jesus Christ they are no match for the power of the Cross.

Psalm 144:1 (ESV) 144 Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;

Journal Inspiration

  • What are your weapons?

  • Submit these carnal weapons to the Lord and invite Him to take your place.

  • Ask for the grace to surrender.

I promise you He will show up He is the Great Defender.

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